What questions to ask the seller when buying an apartment - Mayak Real Estate Agency


Communication between the buyer and the seller during the purchase of an apartment is an important component of a successful agreement. If you are a buyer, it is a good idea to prepare and make a list of questions to ask the property owner. This will help to avoid misunderstandings and unpleasant surprises after the fact. We share a list of basic questions that you can take note of when buying a home.

Are you an owner or a broker?

It is much easier to purchase an apartment on the secondary market directly with its owner. But there are situations when the owner cannot be present at the transaction, for example, he is abroad and cannot come. In this case, his interests can be represented by a relative or a friend by proxy. If you are satisfied with such conditions, you should additionally contact a notary to check the power of attorney and legal documents.

Are there encumbrances on the property?

The presence of encumbrances on the apartment should be checked in the relevant registers. But first you can save time and just ask the seller about it. If there is an arrest or one of the co-owners is against the sale, then it will not be possible to conclude a deal. Other encumbrances, such as a mortgage, marital status or children registered in the apartment, impose certain obligations on the owner. If they are not taken into account during the conclusion of the agreement, it can be declared invalid at any time.

Do the co-owners agree to sell?

If it becomes known that the apartment has more than one owner, ask the seller whether everyone agrees to sell the property and whether there is a notarized written consent from each co-owner.

Who is registered in the apartment?

You must ask the seller who is registered in the apartment and whether it will be possible to register everyone before concluding the agreement. After concluding the agreement, the buyer can independently evict outsiders from the purchased residential area, but it will take time. It is better to make sure that no one is registered in the apartment or that the seller can provide a F-3 certificate that no one lives at a specific address.

The moment of registration is especially important when minors are registered in the apartment, since the buyer will not be able to sign them out on his own. In this case, you should make sure that the seller has permission from the guardianship authorities.

Are the documents ready for concluding the agreement?

If you want to buy an apartment sooner, you should ask whether the documents are ready from the seller. He should have the following package of papers:

  • title documents; technical passport for real estate;

  • conclusion on the evaluation of the living space;

  • passport, identification code or passports and codes, if there are several co-owners;

  • notarized written consent of the husband/wife;

  • permission of the guardianship authorities in the presence of registered children;

  • certificate F-3 on family composition and; certificates on the absence of arrears for communal services.

Who pays for registration and services of a realtor?

To avoid conflict situations at the stage of concluding an agreement, it is necessary to discuss in advance who will bear additional costs when buying and selling an apartment. The legislation of Ukraine clearly states who should pay for what, but in practice the parties can come to their own agreements. For example, you can offer to pay all the taxes yourself, but ask the owner to give a discount.

It is also important to immediately clarify the issue of realtor commissions. Usually they are paid by the buyer, but there are also situations when the commission is split in half between the buyer and the seller.

How will the calculation take place?

If you like the apartment and everything suits you, it will not hurt to ask clarifying questions, in particular about the nuances of the calculation. It is worth asking the seller if it is possible to pay with the help of a non-cash transfer, or if only cash is suitable. If the owner is not against the transfer, you can clarify whether there are advantages in choosing a bank.

Another important point is whether the seller wants the buyer to make a deposit and in what amount. The deposit is usually transferred during the execution of the preliminary contract of sale. It is important that the document states that the buyer transfers the deposit and under what conditions he does so.

Are there debts for utility services?

The presence of a serious debt on the utility bill can be a reason for bargaining for the buyer. But if the seller claims that there are no debts, it is worth checking the presence of all the necessary certificates in the package of documents later. It is important to make sure that there are no debts for the apartment for gas, electricity, water, garbage collection, contributions to the ZHEK or condominiums. It's also worth asking who will pay for utilities between signing the sales contract and handing over the keys if the process takes a while.

What is the reason for selling the apartment?

And although the seller will not necessarily answer this question truthfully, by his tone and behavior you can determine whether he is hiding something or not. If the owner answers honestly, it will help to make an informed decision whether it is worth buying an apartment. For example, if the owner sells the living space because it is located on the upper floors, and the elevator often does not work due to power outages, this drawback may not be so significant for the buyer.

Who lives in the neighboring apartments?

Some are happy to buy an apartment where the neighbors are decent grandmothers, because it will be quiet and peaceful. Others, on the contrary, will refuse such a neighborhood because they want to have an environment of their own age. In addition, for a family with children, the neighborhood with grandmothers who are used to silence may not be suitable for the simple reason that the children themselves will make noise. Therefore, it is better to clarify in advance who lives in the neighboring apartments.

What is the seller willing to leave to the buyer?

The situation when an apartment is sold with all its contents is not uncommon. But those sellers who are selling the living space to buy a new, larger home may want to take some furniture with them. It is better to immediately ask what is left in order to understand what additional costs may arise for furnishing the apartment.

This list of questions can be supplemented with your own, which are suitable for a specific situation. And it is important not to hesitate to ask the seller, because it is, first of all, in your own interests.

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Kateryna PestryakovaOffice manager
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