What questions to ask your landlord when renting an apartment


Renting an apartment can go smoothly if you know all the nuances and pitfalls of this process. To reduce the likelihood of unpleasant surprises, you need to know what to talk about with the landlord even during the housing search. We offer our list of questions that should be asked to the owner of a residential area before renting.

At what price is the apartment for rent?

The rental price may already be indicated in the ad, but it is not always up-to-date, so it will not hurt to clarify this point once again. There are situations where an owner or agent posts a lower price to attract more potential tenants. While in reality, already during the screening, it turns out that the rent is significantly higher.

It is also worth clarifying immediately whether the owner plans to raise the rent in the future? This is an important question if the tenant wants to rent an apartment for a long time.

Does the apartment look like the photos?

This question should be asked to the owner or realtor at the stage of the telephone conversation. Unscrupulous agents may add the same photos to different ads to save time or attract customers with beautiful pictures. In this case, during the showing, it may turn out that the apartment has a completely different appearance. Even before viewing, you can ask to send additional photos of the apartment to any messenger.

Who can live in a rented apartment?

Some owners immediately indicate in the ad to whom they would like to rent the apartment, for example, a couple without children, a single person or a family, etc. If there is no such information, it is better to ask immediately. The owners may be against small children, a company of young people or a couple with a large breed dog living in the apartment. Unfortunately, not everyone agrees to rent real estate to those who have animals.

What amount must be paid immediately when renting an apartment?

This should definitely be included in the list of main questions, because sometimes it turns out that during the check-in you need to pay a large amount. If the lessor puts forward as a condition of depositing a security deposit in case of damage to the property, it is worth clarifying what this amount is and be sure to write down the conditions in the contract when it is returned to the tenant and when it is not.

It is also important to ask how many months you need to pay for at once. Many owners ask to pay the first and last month. This protects them from damage. If the tenants decide to move out, the owner will have a whole month to find new tenants.

For what period is the apartment rented?

If the landlord is ready to rent the apartment for a year or more, it should be written in the contract. Some owners enter into a contract for only six months, in order to later raise the rent or evict tenants if they do not like them. For a tenant, every move and search for a new apartment is an additional expense, so it is better to agree to those offers that have a long-term perspective.

Who lived in the apartment before and why did they leave?

These questions will help to understand what the relationship was between the owner and the residents. If the owner speaks about them in a negative way, while not giving objective reasons, it is possible that he has conflict situations with all residents. If the landlord evades the answer, this can also be a reason to think about whether it is worth cooperating with him.

Will there be a lease agreement?

The rental agreement protects both parties, both the landlord and the tenant, so it is important to conclude it with all the important nuances. The rental price is specified in the contract. The term of delivery of the apartment, the condition of the living space, terms of payment, the amount of the deposit, the availability of household appliances and more.

If the owner does not want to enter into a contract, it is important to understand that he can evict tenants at any time, significantly raise the price, come without warning with inspections, etc.

Can you show me the documents for the apartment?

In order not to come across a sublease, when people have rented housing themselves and want to sublet it to others without the knowledge of the owner, you should immediately inquire about the availability of legal documents. Documents will also be needed to conclude a lease agreement.

The owner can show the tenant:

  • real estate purchase and sale agreement;

  • your passport;

  • identification code.

If the apartment, which is planned to be rented out, was bought in marriage, then both the owner and his wife (her husband) should sign the lease agreement. It happens that one of the spouses suddenly turns out to be against renting out the apartment and asks the tenants to leave. To avoid such situations, it is important to check the signatures under the lease agreement.

Are meters installed in the apartment?

If the meters are installed, during check-in, you need to take the readings together with the owner, so as not to pay for what was wound up earlier. If, for example, there is no gas or water meter, it is worth asking how many people are registered in the apartment? In Ukraine, there is still a rule that in the absence of a meter, a fee is charged based on the number of prescriptions. If 3, 4 or more people are registered in the apartment, utility services can cost a substantial amount.

It is also worth clarifying separately how utility services will be paid. It is better to refuse the offer when the owner simply says the entire amount, and the tenant hands it over. It is worth asking the owner to show the payments, perhaps a subsidy has been issued for the apartment and it will be possible to save money on utility bills.

Were the locks changed in the apartment?

The ideal option is when the owner changes the locks in the apartment after the previous tenants have been evicted. Of course, the tenants give the keys to the landlord, but no one knows if duplicates have been made. Therefore, it is better to make sure that new locks are installed in the apartment.

Are visits with inspections planned?

Some owners consider it normal to regularly visit tenants, walk around the apartment and check the state of repair, furniture and appliances. Others do not bother the tenants at all, and the rent is paid in a cashless way. If you do not want to rent an apartment and periodically see the owner on the doorstep who has come without warning, you should immediately ask him this question.

If there are any unclear points, you should immediately ask the owner of the apartment about it. It is better to get answers right away and decide whether the apartment is suitable or not, than to move into it and then move out immediately.

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Kateryna PestryakovaOffice manager
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