How to sell an apartment through a real estate agency

You can sell an apartment on your own or through a real estate agency. And the latter option also involves different formats of cooperation: the seller can turn to several realtors at once or conclude an exclusive contract with one agency. It is more convenient to work with one agency, as all worries about the sale of housing fall on their shoulders. Let's take a closer look at how to sell an apartment through a real estate agency and why it is worth cooperating under an exclusive contract.
How an apartment is sold through a real estate agency
If a decision is made to sell an apartment, the first thing the owner needs to do is to meet with a realtor to discuss the terms and conditions of the property. The agent examines the apartment, assesses its condition and market value, and then gives recommendations on the selling strategy.
The further process of selling real estate can be described in the following steps:
Signing an exclusive contract with the agency. The document clearly sets out the rights and obligations of the parties - the seller and the realtor.
Preparation of the apartment for sale. The agency organizes professional photography and helps to improve the look of the apartment to attract the attention of buyers.
Advertising and marketing. Realtor creates professional advertisements, places advertisements on specialized websites, uses various marketing tools to attract potential clients.
Regular reporting. The agency provides the property owner with detailed reports on the work done. The report includes such information as the number of listings viewed, buyer interest, organized showings, feedback from potential clients and the results of negotiations. In this way the owner understands how things are going with the sale of his property.
Showing the apartment to potential buyers. A realtor arranges with interested clients to show the apartment, meets with them at the property, answers their questions, discusses the terms of purchase and collects feedback.
Negotiation and price negotiation. The agent negotiates with buyers so that the price of the apartment remains at the level that suits the seller.
Transaction formalization. The agency is engaged in the preparation of all necessary documents, provides legal support and safe mutual settlement.
Conclusion of the contract of sale. At the final stage of the sale, the parties sign the contract of sale, payment is made and the keys are handed over.
When a buyer is found and the sale agreement is signed, the agency organizes the transfer of the apartment to the new owner and prepares the final reports for the seller.
What an agency needs to sell an apartment: a list of documents
In order for a realtor to be able to take on all the responsibilities of selling an apartment and find a buyer as quickly as possible, it is important that the seller has all the necessary documents. Here is what is included in the list of documents for the sale of real estate:
documents on the ownership of the apartment - it can be a certificate of ownership, a contract of sale and purchase, a deed of gift or another document;
technical passport for the property - it contains a detailed plan of the apartment, its technical condition and area of premises, which allows both the agent and potential buyers to assess the features of a particular dwelling;
passports and identification codes of the owners - necessary to confirm the identity of the seller and co-owners during the transaction;
certificate of absence of debts on public utilities - plays an important role for the buyer as a confirmation of absence of debts to public utilities;
consent of co-owners - written consent to the sale of the apartment from each co-owner separately is needed if the object is owned by several people;
certificate of registered persons - confirms that there are no registered persons who have the right to live in the apartment.
If the seller does not have any of the documents listed above, the agency can help prepare the entire package of documents for a quick and smooth sale of the property.
What is the cost of real estate agency services when selling an apartment
In most cases, the real estate agency commission is 3-5% of the value of the object. The amount of commission is influenced by the market price, scope of services, complexity of the process, etc. The commission includes all expenses for advertising and marketing of the apartment for sale, negotiations, legal support and execution of the transaction.
All agencies in the real estate market have a common database. If the seller applies to several agencies at once, he will gain nothing from this, but will get a lot of calls and worries. By signing an exclusive contract for the sale of an apartment with one agency, the owner will cooperate with a specific realtor. This agent will be assigned to the seller, will be able to focus on the task at hand, will be aware of all processes and at any time will be able to describe how things are going with the sale of housing.
Advantages of selling an apartment through an agency
One of the main reasons to contact an agency to sell an apartment is the assistance of an experienced and professional realtor. Real estate professionals have experience in dealing with complex situations that may arise during the sale of an object, including legal nuances, specific buyer requirements, market conditions and negotiations. All this allows you to avoid common mistakes and risks.
There are other advantages of cooperation with a real estate agency:
Maximum market price. Thanks to a professional appraisal, the realtor determines the optimal value of the object, which corresponds to the market situation. The agent negotiates, focusing on the maximum benefit of the seller. This allows you to get the best financial offer from the buyer.
Thoughtful marketing and large-scale advertising. The agency places advertisements for the sale of an apartment on various platforms, using access to large advertising platforms, professional photos and videos, advertising campaigns in social networks and on specialized resources. This approach allows you to find a buyer faster.
Saving the seller's time and effort. The agency takes care of all organizational processes - from preparing the apartment for sale to showing the object to potential buyers. The owner does not need to be involved in these processes.
Legal support and security of the transaction. The agent will not only help to prepare all necessary documents, but will also provide full security of the transaction to avoid fraud and other risks. The realtor will prepare and check the sale and purchase agreement, take care of the correctness of settlement and state registration of the transaction.
Accompanying the client until the apartment is handed over. After completion of the transaction the agency will help to prepare the apartment for transfer to the new owners, so that it would be convenient for both parties.
Payment for services only upon successful completion of the transaction. The seller does not make any prepayment. The agency receives a commission only if the realtor has found a buyer and the seller has been paid for the sold apartment.
A professional agency values its reputation, so all realtors treat clients as partners. The agent takes into account all the wishes and circumstances of the property owner. The seller can count on support and advice at every stage. This is exactly the approach that Mayak Real Estate Agency uses in its work.